замечательная альтер очень внимательно следит за любыми обновлениями, низкий поклон ей за это, но то, что я прочитала пять минут назад, лучше бы на глаза мне не попадалось до выхода книги... или вообще никогда!
и я даже не знаю, что я чувствую... это? или это?

25.02.2014 в 20:27
Пишет  alter-sweet-ego:

Выжимка из визита ККлэр в Мексику.

- 'Who will survive' was a phrase meant to scare, but it's really not a masacre
- Expect a happy ending
- I knew as I created him that he would die, some characters will die, some that you don’t expect. I was really sad while I thought about him dying.
- Jocelyn and Sebastian interact a lot in CoHF
- Sebastian is alone, always so alone that he’s always searching for someone that can love and like him.
- Sebastian always wonders why everyone loves Jace, he wants to be loved too. He is searching for someone to love him.
- In the begining, Sebastian is visiting institutes around the world and kidnapping children to make them like him, that’s why Julian needs to protect his brothers. He kidnaps them to turn them like him and build an army.
- TDA starts with Sebastian, so I assume he is one of the ones who survives CoHF.

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